Welcome to Tot Treats by Tiara

     Welcome to my magical and mysterious blog filled with all kinds of delectable treats dedicated to the littlest ones in our lives! Okay, I probably exaggerated that a little bit as I'm sure you won't find this blog MYSTERIOUS, maybe magical but what I am really baking....I mean banking on (lol) is that you find it resourceful.
     I didn't formally introduce myself yet so here it goes! My name is Tiara Dogan and I am a self-taught, home baker and have been baking for about 6 years now. I started off with cupcakes and then worked my way up to cakes, I am still working my way up. Of the hundreds of creations that I've made I have come to realize that I really enjoy making childrens themed items. Along with being a baker I am full-time employed as a teacher, a preschool teacher I might add! AND on top of that I am also Mommy to an almost 4 year old adorable little lady. She and my six year old sister really inspire my baking, especially when it's done for children. I am always thinking about what they would like and getting their opinions on my designs. I just really love kids and all of the shows and movies that they watch (I grew up on Disney movies) which inspire my sweet creations.
     Now enough about me! I want to talk about what this blog will be about. I wanted a space to not only share my "tot" themed treats with everyone but a space to share tips and ideas with the world. I am one of those DIY type of people and most of the things that I have learned have come from YouTube videos and baking blogs like I hope this one becomes. It's my turn to share! I want to share designs, recipes, and other wonderful resources with you all. This blog is for everyone. From moms, dads, kids, first time and experienced bakers and last but not least, tots. I hope that you enjoy what you read here and I hope to make a difference for someone like plenty of bloggers have done for me.


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